Dermal fillers are known to be a popular solution for instantly giving you plump skin. They are by far one of the most efficient anti-aging treatments and results could last between three months to two years depending on the ingredients used in the fillers. Dermal fillers are certainly not a magic potion but they are surprisingly good at doing something most drugs and topical applications can’t do, stimulating collagen production.

What Is Collagen?

Well, you must have heard about it a lot in advertisements of anti-aging skincare products but let us tell you how this little protein is crucial in playing many roles in your body. It is used for building skin, bones, muscles and cartilage. Moreover, it is the building block of the skin which gives it a firm shape, strength, elasticity and appearance. With age, our collagen production lowers down and this is why we get sagging and wrinkled skin. However, collagen production is not only affected by age, other factors such as sun exposure, smoking and environmental factors can also hinder collagen production.

Can Lost Collagen Be Replaced?

Although many skincare products claim to restore and stimulate collagen production, they simply can’t make it happen. Our bodies produce endogenous collagen which is very different from the collagen that we apply in the form of topical creams, known as the exogenous collagen. On the other hand, supplements and peptides containing collagen are effective to an extent yet more research needs to be done as to clarify whether the collagen in these peptides survive the digestion or not.

Which Fillers Support Collagen Production?

The only way to stimulate collagen is through fillers that have products that support collagen production. Below are the fillers that stimulate collagen production.


This dermal filler is exceptional when it comes to making your look firmer, and younger looking.
But the best thing about this particular filler is that it contains Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA)
Microspheres, which increases collagen production in the treated area by 30 %. This is the reason why this filler provides natural looking results.


Hyaluronic acid is the talk of the town, this amazingly beneficial ingredient keeps your skin hydrated for hours. It is a kind of sugar naturally occurring in the body and what it does for your skin is that it attracts water underneath the skin to make it look plump and hydrated. Although instant results are temporary but since the HA stretch cells that are found in the connective tissues, they can induce collagen growth in the long run.

At Nita Med Spa, we offer BOTOX and filler treatments under professional care. Our aestheticians are skilled professionals who perform everything with clinical precision and care. What’s even better is that we have our special offer going on and you can enjoy unbelievable discounts on your favorite facials, treatments and so much more. To get the most out of our special packages, hurry up and check the link below.

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