There was a time when acne was a thing that we associated with teenage and puberty but now acne has become everyone’s nightmare. You wake up and you see a pimple popping out of your skin and you know your day is ruined. So, what are the reasons behind acne in adulthood? Well, they are more than one actually and it’s not only because of the products you use or the pollution.

Our experts at Nita Med Spa believe that prevention is equally significant in terms of treating acne. This is why we are debunking some of the most common acne myths for you. You’d be surprised to learn how simple it could be for you to get rid of acne if only you hadn’t believed those stories.

Acne Myth No. 1

Eating doesn’t affect your skin; it can only affect your weight. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. New research has found that foods with a higher glycemic index cannot only aggravate acne but can also trigger it.

White bread, refined sugar, soda, and even dairy products can cause your skin to breakout. Foods with lower glycemic index are great for keeping your skin clean and free from acne. Foods like cauliflower, whole-wheat bread, cashew nuts, cucumbers, and carrots have low glycemic index and can help reduce and clear acne.

Vitamin A and Zinc are both extremely helpful in restoring skin’s natural shine and glow which is why you should include eggs, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, and cabbage in your diet.

Acne Myth No. 2

If you thought that the so-called friendly make up products won’t give you acne, you were wrong. Make up products that contain oils and alcohol can clog your pores and cause blackheads and acne.

It is best to use products that are non-comedogenic but then again you must cleanse your skin thoroughly with a gentle cleanser. It is also essential to limit your makeup usage if you want to avoid getting acne and breakouts.

Acne Myth No. 3

Toothpaste, sounds familiar? Well, toothpastes have baking soda, triclosan, hydrogen peroxide and other cleaning agents that can clean or sanitize your skin but it can also cause a rash or irritation. In comparison with toothpastes, acne treatment ointments and gels are milder and won’t disturb your skin’s natural PH.

Acne Myth No. 4

Facial Treatments can worsen acne. As a matter of fact, they can do the exact opposite. Chemical peels exfoliate your skin on a deeper and cellular level, thereby considerably minimizing acne and breakouts.

Our special VI Chemical Peel is a highly effective treatment for patients looking to treat acne. It only takes 20 to 30 minutes and even if your skin is sensitive, you might experience a slight tingling sensation which will fade off quickly. Patients can expect mild peeling in the coming days but the results are not just great for reducing acne but also eliminating signs of aging such as wrinkles.

VI chemical peel is excellent for skin rejuvenation and the best part, we have a special offer through which you can enjoy an amazing discount. You can get package of 2 VI Chemical peels with booster at only $750. It’s time to kiss your acne goodbye with our VI chemical peel.