The wind is chilly and temperatures are dropping. Once again that time of the year, which is officially the holiday season. And we all love it because we get to relax, however, relaxing our skincare is not an option. Most people believe that with no sun around, and they don’t have to go out as much, they can get casual with their skincare routine.

At Nita Med Spa, we took our time and got together with our favorite dermatologists to discuss a winter routine for our clients. And here’s the list of myths they debunked.

Myth no. 1 No Need To Apply Sunscreen In Winter

People believe that when the sky is gloomy and grey, sunscreen is not essential. In many countries, winters are mostly cloudy and rainy so they go easy on the sunblock.

Truth: Wearing Sunscreen Is Just As Important In Winters

Well, first of all, with all the rain and wind, the atmosphere gets more clear, allowing the UV rays to affect the skin without any hindrance. Moreover, the sun may not shine as hard as in summer but it’s still there and so are its rays. So apply sunscreen every day, even if you’re living in a cold environment.

Myth No. 2 Make Up With SPF Are The Same As Sunscreen

People buy makeup items more when they see SPF written on them thinking they can contain the sun damage and there’s no need to apply additional sunscreen.

Truth: Makeup SPF Isn’t Enough

Makeup composition is different with different products. And having the SPF compound in the right proportion is the key. Not all companies are authentic, which is why you can never be sure of the sun protection they offer. Also, your skin PH levels determine a lot on what kind of sunscreen you need but makeup SPF are mostly generic.

Myth No. 3 SPF 60 Is Better Than SPF 15

I should go for a higher SPF to get better protection.

Truth: SPF Levels Are For Skin Types And Not Intensity

You might have noticed that when you apply your friend’s sunscreen, your skin gets all shiny and sticky whereas it looks great on your friend’s face. That’s where the SPF factor applies. SPF 45 or above are water based Sunscreens which are made exclusively for people with oily skin. These people are more prone to sun damage because of enlarged pores, oil accumulation on the surface and pigmentation.

Myth No. 4 Oily Skin Doesn’t Require Moisturization

If I have normal to oily skin, I don’t need any moisturizer for my skin.

Truth: Winters Cause Dryness And Moisturization Is Essential For Alla Skin Types

It is important to understand that even oily skin gets deprived of moisture in the dry weather. Apart from that heating, hot baths and wearing excessive clothes can make the skin even drier. Hence, oily skin needs to be moisturized too. The moisturizer would be different of course, but it will work and keep your skin from getting chapped.