Halloween is pretty exciting right and the fact that it’s just around the corner makes it even more thrilling. Even if you are not a fan of trick or treat or jack o lanterns, you certainly don’t want to miss that costume party. But as much as we all love to celebrate the holiday season starting off with the spooky madness of Halloween, we just can’t go ahead and put on all that makeup without checking on our skins first.

Lucky for you, just like always, we have some pretty good solutions for you. At Nita Med Spa, we have always been concerned about your skin and how you can get that perfect glow. So, here we have selected our top favorite treats for your skin with our special offers this Halloween.

Chemical Peels

You may choose to go out as a zombie from walking dead but your skin doesn’t have to be dull. Our special chemical IV peel is formulated with exfoliants that help your skin get rid of all the toxins. It clears away all the impurities and give you that younger looking skin that’s ready to impress.

IPL Photofacial

This one is everyone’s favorite but it really is a blessing for those who don’t want to wait on recovery time because it doesn’t have any. You can minimize your pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and of course, smooth out that uneven skin tone with this light therapy facial treatment. All you have to do is just book your appointment a few days prior to your Halloween event and you can shine like a star!


If you can put some extra time into your preparations for your Halloween costume party, this is the treatment you should invest in. By using special needles that make tiny controlled injuries, Microneedling boosts collagen in your skin. When the epidermis layer starts healing after the treatment, scars, mild acne, enlarged pores, fine lines, all issues start to fade away and all you get is a fresh, younger looking skin you were hoping for.


This goes without saying that Hydrafacial is perfect for every occasion. In fact, Hydrafacial uses water therapy to clean the skin, enhancing the blood flow in the vessels, which is great for all skin types. Since it uses only water, it has no side effects or chemical damage. So, if you are sensitive about your skin, then you must go for it. A 5-step facial which is statistically proven to deliver awesome results is a good choice for your Halloween ready skin.

Laser Hair Removal

Want to get rid of those unwanted facial hair? What’s better than this time of the year when trees are also shedding those leaves?

Our laser hair removal treatment is carried by our certified aestheticians with great care. It is advised not to shave or wax a few weeks before your appointment. The laser hair removal treatment targets the hair follicle closely and destroy it.

Sessions are usually carried out 2 to 4 weeks apart depending on the area. So, time is now, hurry up, pick the one for yourself and make your Halloween interesting!

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Our Special Offers