Life in quarantine is a totally different experience for everyone. With social distancing, isolated homes and little to no interaction with anyone, your mental health is most likely to get affected at some point. Anxiety and stress are confirmed byproducts in such times. Unfortunately, there is not much that you can do about it, after all, humans are social animals.

Stress; Enemy Of Your Skin & Hair

But another aspect that you certainly can’t neglect is that stress and anxiety take a huge toll on your skin and hair. Dermatologists suggest that stress is a huge factor when it comes to causing and more importantly worsening an already present skin problem. Moreover when you’re stressed, it affects your abilities to take care of things that you’d normally do. Scientifically, stress releases a hormone named cortisol. Cortisol affects our immune system making it more prone to oily skin, acne and inflammation.

What To Do?

At Nita Med Spa, we don’t want you to let the stress win and destroy your beautiful skin and hair. This is why, we’re giving you some amazing yet easy to follow tips with which you can take care of your skin and hair in this tough time.

Don’t Stop Pampering Your Skin

Your skin deserves to be loved and taken care of, especially now more than ever. What can help you is sticking to your routine. Cleanse, moisturize, exfoliate, and just don’t let the stress factor sway you away. In fact, you can use it as a distraction too, taking care of the skin while avoiding negative thoughts, it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

Food For Hair

Now that you are home, you can focus on a diet that’s good for your hair. Yogurt, nuts and whole foods are all great for your hair. Also feed your hair some oil. Go with extra virgin coconut and olive oil. Put a hot towel around your hair. If you have dandruff, take one egg yolk, add some yogurt, a few drops of lemon juice and a tbsp of your favorite oil. Apply the mask from roots to ends, let it sit for an hour or two, and wash it off with your usual shampoo and conditioner.

Watch Out For Breakouts

Earlier when you had no time for treating them, you’d go to a beauty expert. But now you have to look after them yourself. At least until we are in isolation.

So along with topical application, see what can improve your skin. Vitamin C is a great source for healing and removing acne scars and dark spots. Drink more juices, consume vitamin enriched foods and avoid oily stuff.

We hope that you’ll follow these tips and won’t let the stress affect your precious skin and hair. We want you to stay safe, beautiful and healthy, and all you have to do is follow these easy tips.