Ever heard of the saying, “blessing in disguise”? Well that’s what this lockdown is for you. With all the hustle of life, you seldom found time for yourself. So instead of worrying over bills, groceries and tight working schedules, let this time be a treat for yourself, especially your skin and hair. Never thought of it that way? At Nita Med Spa, we aspire to bring positivity into your quarantine and we have not just one but 6 wonderful ways to help you through this. So let’s get started!

Trimming Time

As much as you’d like to go to your favorite salon, this isn’t currently an option. So what? Just open that million times viewed DIY trimming video and follow, keep it mild just to be on the safe side. Just because you can’t go out doesn’t mean you can’t get rid of those split ends.


Do you remember the last time you showed some love to your nails and cuticles? Don’t worry about that now because you can now take care of your dried cuticles. You don’t even need fancy equipment, just take a cotton swab, dip it in olive or coconut oil and moisturize.

Deep Cleanse

For all those home remedies you always thought about trying but never did, now is the time. Don’t just go for your face or hands, go for your whole body. That flaky dry skin will not shed itself unless you make a brown sugar, essential oil scrub and work it in your shower.

Treat Those Nasty Acne Scars

Now that you are staying indoors, you don’t have to worry about sun damage. So pick the best home remedies for scars and dark spots because without the culprit they are going to work even better.

Nourish Your Hair

Can’t buy more conditioners? Time to make some in your home. Deep conditioning your hair is easy with a hot towel, extra virgin olive oil, egg yolk and vinegar. And now that you have plenty of time, you can do it even twice a week. Coming out of the quarantine with a flawless skin and healthy hair will certainly let you take the trophy.

Sleep Well

Most important of all, that beauty sleep you’ve always wanted is now attainable. If you are too addicted to staying up late, spray some lavender oil onto your pillow and enjoy that peaceful, calming sleep that will revitalize your body and mind. Getting an 8 hours sleep is essential for cell renewal and if quarantine is not for sleep than what else?

We hope that with these tips, you’ll come out of this quarantine with an even more beautiful skin and hair. And we’d be happy to meet you.