Toenail fungus can be as irritating as its appearance. You know you can’t flaunt your feet in your favorite summer sandals because of the sticky, brittle fungus. Apart from the cosmetic reasons, the condition can lead to serious damage for patients with other skin problems or diabetes. Furthermore, the fungus only escalates in hot and humid weather and you certainly can’t wear a tight shoe with toenail fungus. At Nita Med Spa Houston, we treat toenail fungus with our technologically advanced laser treatment.

What Is A Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment?

This is a virtually painless, no medication, non-drug treatment that is carried out by specialists. In this targeted treatment, the laser beam deeply penetrates into the nail, eliminating the laser from the very bottom of its roots.

At Nita Med Spa, our experts will treat your toenail fungus in just one session and you’ll see a healthy nail growing back in a matter of months.

Are Oral Remedies Effective?

There was certainly a time when people considered oral medications as the only remedy to treat the toenail fungus. But the truth is, they were never able to treat the condition fully. They gave only temporary relief and for those who had toenail removal, the nail never grew back.

Some of the ancient topical remedies are also suggested even today, yet none of these are as effective as the laser treatment. Since it’s pain free and effective, and only takes one session, it is by far the best way to treat the fungus.

How Can I Know If I Have It?

Well, there are several signs and notions that indicates the occurrence of the infection.

Yellow, thickened and brittle nails can be a sign of fungus. White spots, lines on nails and on the nail bed are also suggested to be the symptoms. Skin discoloration, fragments accumulation under the nail and separation of the nail from the nail bed are all the signs of fungus.

What Should I Do?

If you see any of these signs on your nail, get in touch with us immediately. We’ll get it checked and treat the fungus instantly with our professional laser treatment. For further information, please give us a call or book a free consultation today!

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