Age Spots are not new to us. Almost everyone either had them or seen people around facing the very issue of pigmentation or liver spots. It is natural that men and women wish for a flawless, spot free skin but achieving one takes more than wishing. Sometimes these spots are too stubborn to fade and require special treatment. However, at Nita Med Spa, we believe that with proven remedies, medications and facial treatments, these spots cannot only fade but will gradually vanish completely.

Natural Remedies

The efficacy and benefits of natural remedies could never be denied. The potent nutrients in natural ingredients can fade away dark spots without any harmful effects on the skin.

Lemon juice is very effective for dark spots. Applying it regularly with a cotton swab can really help in dimming the spots. Yogurt with lactic acid is also an agent that is used for removing tan, sunburn and spots. You can use it directly or you can use it in a face mask. Along with that, horseradish juice and apple cider vinegar are also considered the best for removing dark spots.

Diet And Medication

In some cases, the problems are skin deep. The spots could be a result of a diet or a side effect of a medicine. To analyze these factors, it is always advised to consult a dermatologist. A dietician’s help can also be taken if suggested by the doctor.

In general, avoiding oily, spicy and inorganic food can have a harmful impact on the skin, which is why avoiding those can really help.

Targeted SPA Facial Treatments

Modern facial treatments are highly beneficial for treating skin problems such as acne, scars and age spots.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are known for revealing younger, clearer and fresher skin. Patients may experience some sensation and redness but the peels lighten age spots with the help of a special formula. The solution repairs skin damage and heals the tissues from within.

At Nita Med Spa, our chemical peels have helped hundreds of patients in getting rid of age spots. If you are facing the same issue, book your appointment with our certified aestheticians.

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