Why Winter Is the Best Time for Resurfacing Your Skin

They say that your skin health depends a lot on what happens inside your body. But that’s only half the truth. Our skin is also exposed to environmental damage, aging, sun exposure, harsh chemicals, and pollutants. In that regard, textural irregularities, pigmentation, aging signs, and redness are skin concerns that are quite common.

Thanks to advancements in cosmetic technology, laser therapy can be leveraged to fade away skin imperfections. Treatments such as laser resurfacing and IPL Photofacial have proven to be the ideal solutions for treating uneven skin tone, and sagging skin, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, blotches, redness, sun damage, dark spots, and pigmentation. While you can use these treatments any time of the year, winters are particularly considered the best time to get one. Why is that? Well, let’s hear from our experts.

Give Collagen the Time to Process

As soon as spring approaches, we all get invited to cocktail parties and get-togethers, and what other time is the best one to show off your flawless, smooth, supple skin?

At Nita Med Spa, we use the patented Intense Pulse Light system to treat discoloration, spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. It involves using a hand-held device that uses light energy to target problematic areas. When the skin heats up, it sheds away the unwanted skin cells. This allows the skin to heal and repair by stimulating collagen and elastin production. However, it takes time. It may also take more than one session to see prominent results.

Since extreme weather calls for staying indoors more, your skin has more time for collagen processing. Once collagen remodeling starts, you’ll notice that your skin will get tighter, smoother, and spot-free.

Fewer Chances of Sun Exposure

Treatments that involve light energy or laser therapy are not suitable for tanned skin or skin that’s darker than the rest of your body.

Unlike the summer season, you don’t get so much sun in the winter. Moreover, sunshine in winter is not the same as one in summer, owing to the difference in the temperatures.

Winter is an opportunity for you to pick IPL Photofacial for your stubborn scars, acne spots, and rosacea. It is going to be more effective also because you’re not exposing your skin to sun damage any more. Keep in mind that after an IPL Photofacial session, you should not go out in the sun because your skin is highly sensitive after undergoing the treatment. You may be asked to stay indoors between sessions or ensure strict UV safety measures in case you need to run an unavoidable errand.

Winter Recovery Is Easier

With the holiday season, snow, and cloudy weather, your chances of getting UV damage during winter is far less than that in summer.

In summer, even if you are staying at home for recovery, you can’t change the weather. Heat, humidity, and sweat can make recovery slow and difficult.

On the other hand, you can cozy up for recovery in winter. You won’t even have to worry about the swelling and redness that you get after the treatment as holidays make it easier for you to stay home for recovery.

In conclusion, we would like to say that you don’t need to wait for a specific season to try out skin treatments that can help you get rid of imperfections. However, winter does have many benefits over summer when it comes to treatments that involve laser and light therapy.

Book your appointment with us to learn more about our laser treatments, IPL photofacial, and our specials. You can also give us a call and share your questions anytime.

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