Acne breakouts can be frustrating, fading your natural beauty. While there are many potential causes, most acne stems from daily habits and lifestyle choices. By identifying and modifying key acne-provoking behaviors, you can achieve consistently clear and glowing skin.


Lack of Sleep Disrupts Cellular Renewal

Our cells regenerate while we sleep, allowing our bodies to repair and restore themselves. Without adequate shuteye, this rejuvenation process cannot fully occur. Insufficient sleep disrupts cellular renewal, which can throw hormones off balance. Hormonal fluctuations often manifest as acne breakouts. To allow your skin to properly renew overnight, ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

Dirty Pillowcases Transfer Bacteria

Think about it – we sleep with our faces pressed into pillowcases night after night. Pillowcases collect dead skin cells, facial oils, grime, and bacteria. When you continue sleeping on unwashed linens, all that built-up gunk transfers back to your face, clogging pores and causing pimples. For clear skin, wash pillowcases at minimum once weekly. Always cleanse skin thoroughly before bedtime and avoid over-applying serums and moisturizers.

Stress Stimulates Excess Sebum Production

With today’s hectic modern lifestyle, many of us deal with high stress levels. Unfortunately, stress wreaks havoc on skin. Stress hormones like cortisol rev up sebum (oil) production. Excessive sebum clogs pores, creating the perfect environment for pimples to develop. While eliminating stress is unrealistic, be sure to build relaxing rituals into your daily routine, especially in the evenings. Allowing your skin to rebalance itself overnight is key.

Dehydration Triggers Increased Oil Production

Just like every other organ, our skin needs ample hydration to function optimally. When the body is dehydrated, the skin will overproduce oil to moisturize itself from within. This excess oil leads to clogged pores and acne. Cut back on caffeine and alcohol, which have dehydrating effects. Instead, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily for balanced, clear skin.

Sun Exposure Causes Irritation

UV radiation from the sun is incredibly damaging for skin health. Sun exposure can burn skin, disrupt its natural balance, and cause irritation. Skin irritation often manifests as redness, flaking, and acne breakouts. To prevent sun-related skin issues, apply broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days or when staying indoors.

Professional Treatments Banish Stubborn Breakouts

For some individuals, acne persists despite adopting healthy skin habits. In these cases, professional skincare treatments can eliminate stubborn acne for good. Hydrafacial is an effective acne-fighting treatment that deeply cleanses, exfoliates, and nourishes skin.

If you’ve tried everything but still struggle with acne, don’t lose hope. Schedule a consultation at Nita Med Spa today to learn about customized professional treatments that can clear your skin for good. Our experienced staff is ready to help you finally achieve the smooth, glowing complexion you deserve!

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