Do you want that flatter belly with the fuzz of getting through a surgery? Wonder how to get smoother thighs without painful liposuction or laser therapy? There is a way which involves Venus legacy treatment which is state of the art skin tightening treatment. This is great if you want to tone down that fat belly of your or just want curvy thighs, here are some natural and cosmetic treatments that can help.

Eat well; Keep yourself hydrated:

How can drinking water and eating right help tone skin and manage cellulite? It helps to understand what causes the skin to loosen and dimple. Cellulite is caused by stringy connective fibers that tie the skin to the latent muscle. As fat cells amass, they push up against the skin, while the long, intense strings pull down. This makes a bumpy surface or dimpling.

Inflammation and poor muscle tone can worsen the dimpling effect of fat under the skin. As the body works to rid itself of toxins and waste, fluids such as lymph accumulate under the skin.

Drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods (to reduce toxins) helps your body reduce inflammation, burn fat, and nourish and hydrate your skin.

How Exercise Helps:

Regular Exercise can be very beneficial to reducing the cellulite and firming skin. Without exercise, the body is less able to rid itself of excess fluids and wastes that build up and cause inflammation. Improving circulation and muscle tone helps the body flush this buildup.

Muscles that are firm and toned also do a better job of burning fat than weak, out of shape muscles. Smaller fat deposits help skin appear less droopy and be less dimpled.

Skin Tightening Treatment with the Venus Legacy System:

Sometimes exercise and diet don’t do enough to reduce stubborn cellulite or loose skin. That’s when skin tightening through radiofrequency can be a very effective procedure without the need of undergoing the agonizing surgical treatment.

Radiofrequency therapy with the Venus Legacy system uses medically approved energy waves to firm the skin and reduce layers of fat and cellulite underneath.

The energy generates a gentle, safe amount of heat, which stimulates the body’s natural healing response. The healing response helps produce collagen in the skin, and break down fat deposits below.

Collagen is present throughout the skin and connective tissues and supports them. It allows the skin to stretch in all directions and return to its original shape.

Skin sags because of a breakdown in collagen. But our bodies regularly make the most collagen only through about age 25. Afterward, the rate of production slows down and does not keep up with the wear and tear of sun exposure and the effects of free-radical damage and aging on collagen.

If a recommended series of Skin Tightening Venus Legacy treatments are followed then you can lose inches from your thighs, buttocks, and waist. Skin tightening is the most rejuvenating treatment to firm the skin on the abdomen & thigh region without the fuzz of surgery.

Learn more about Skin Tightening Treatment

A surprise benefit – it feels great!

The gentle warmth of the treatments allows patients to relax and de-stress during the procedure. Results are visible immediately. There is no downtime and no pain, and patients return to their regular daily routine feeling and looking rested and reinvigorated.

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