Scars can be pretty damaging. Not only to your skin but also to your self-esteem. But there’s a way to deal with scars without letting your confidence wear down. No matter whether these scars came from injuries, burn, acne or any other reasons, the following remedies will help you in reducing the appearance of these stubborn marks.

So let’s continue with our top 8 picks that will fade your scars away and give your skin a natural glow from within.

Aloe Vera

Among the many benefits of this plant, scar reduction is our top favorite. Just split the leaf in half, squeeze out the gel, mix with some lemon drops and honey and apply directly to the scar. It will reduce inflammation, swelling and heal the scars.


Cucumber isn’t just good for salads, with its 90 percent water content, it’s exceptional for keeping the skin hydrated. With its minerals, it’s super effective in eliminating scars. You can use grated cucumber as a face mask, just place a towel around your face and let it do its work. You’ll see the results in just a couple of weeks.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter smells heavenly. But what it can do for your skin is much more than that. With its antioxidants and rich fats, it helps dry skin in healing and replenishing. Moreover, butter keeps the nourishment intact and prevents scarring.

Frankincense Oil

This miraculous oil naturally fights acne, spots, scars and blemishes. The best way to use frankincense Oil is by adding two to three drops in a fragrant-free lotion. Simply apply it on scars and use a roller to absorb it.


When life gives you lemons, use them for scar removal. With citric acid, lemon is a natural bleaching agent. It also boosts skin vitality, glow and enhances collagen production. To use lemon for scar removal, you can directly apply lemon juice with cotton balls on the scar. Or you can dilute it with some soothing agent like aloe Vera or honey.

Just don’t use lemon juice in the daytime as it can burn your skin if you go out in the sun.

Rosehip seed Oil

This fragrant oil is famous as a beauty enhancer for the skin. It gives the skin a youthful glow and keeps problems at bay. Applying rosehip oil daily can help in scar removal quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Who knew that this product could be good for the skin. Well, turns out that Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature and peels away dead cells. Use one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and add half a cup of water to create a diluted solution. Use a cotton ball and apply it on the scars directly. Let it dry and wash it off.

Lavender Oil

It may be popular for inducing sleep but with gentle healing properties, this is great for scar removal. Lavender Oil can also be used for treating minor cuts, burns and injuries.

All the tips above are great for scar removal, however, if you have tried these and still haven’t seen any positive results then our revolutionary chemical peel with Vitamin C is the right answer for you. With our special offer, you can get our package of two chemical peels with booster for only $750.

Talk to our experts and book your session today.

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