What does clear skin mean to you? Those first 10 to 15 days of hot wax. We believe that you can get more than that. At Nita Med Spa, we took it upon us to give you that pampered feeling this Christmas. With our laser treatment, we give you the liberty to feel confident in your skin, well in the literal sense. And wait, we have unbelievable discounts for Christmas special offers. But first let us tell you a bit more about our process.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

The laser’s light uses heat energy to target hair follicles. And when it does, it only affect the pigment and destroys the follicle without damaging your skin. We are very cautious about our procedures which is why rely only on latest technologies. Our aestheticians are qualified and experienced. And under their supervision, we ensure your safety first.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

It is important to understand that hair growth patterns are different. Laser treatments work best when hair cycle is in the phase of Anagen, which is the growing phase. The other too phases, Catagen and Telogen are phases in which hair is dormant or falling out respectively. Both these phases are not suitable for laser treatments. And since each hair is in different phase of the cycle, multiple sessions are required.

Is It Ok To Wax Or Shave In Between Sessions

It’s better to work with the advice of your aestheticians but waxing is strictly prohibited as it can remove the hair from the follicle and thus defeating the purpose of laser treatment.

Shaving is also advised only in between sessions and not the day of the session. Our full body laser hair removal 40% off for the package of 6 sessions is a limited time offer that comes with a lifetime warranty. We say that it’s a must-have for you. We also have other combination packages to enhance your beauty and that too with amazing discounts.

special offer laser hair removal

So grab your phone, call your bestie and plan your holiday treatment at Nita Med Spa right away!

Schedule a free Consultation