Chemical peels remove the top layer of your skin revealing healthier, blemish-free skin. They offer deep exfoliation which also helps in correcting other skin imperfections such as wrinkles, fine lines, open pores, sun damage, dark spots, and uneven skin tone.

Although chemical peels have become a staple at every spa and the results are amazing, there are certain things that you need to know before getting a chemical peel treatment. Your aesthetician will guide you on how you can take care of your skin after the treatment and what precautions you must take. But in this article, we’ll tell you about the steps you need to take in order to prepare your skin for the treatment.

Stop Exfoliating

Chemical peels are potent exfoliants. This is why it is essential that you stop exfoliating one week prior to the treatment. Both chemical and physical exfoliation must be avoided. Sometimes face washes, cleansers and moisturizers also have a peeling effect, make sure you read the ingredients and actions carefully and avoid using such products in the last 3 to 5 days before coming for your treatment.

Moreover, you should also avoid exfoliation after the treatment as it can lead to irritation and aggravate the peeling effect.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping your skin hydrated is the key to getting the best results from your peeling treatment. This means hydrating your skin both topically and internally.

Use light moisturizers to keep the moisture intact and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated from the inside.

Avoid Cosmetic Procedures/Styling Products

You must avoid getting any cosmetic procedures done to your skin before getting your chemical peel treatment. This includes laser treatment for hair removal, depilatory treatments of all sorts, hair straightening treatments, hair dying, shaving, facial masks, and tanning.

Always keep in mind that chemical peels are concentrated and when you undergo a peeling treatment, you shouldn’t mess with your skin.

Plan Ahead Of Your Recovery Time

After a chemical peel, you’ll need some time to recover as your skin will shed dead cells and it could take some days. If you have any plans or events lined up, make sure you book your chemical peel accordingly.

Book An Appointment To Discuss Your Skin Concerns With An Aesthetician

This is, in fact, the most critical aspect of getting a chemical peel. Only a professional can determine whether your skin is suitable for a peel. More specifically, there are different kinds of peels recommended for various skin issues. Your aesthetician will review your skin and choose the peeling solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Having a one-on-one meeting is also essential because the aesthetician will also determine whether you need a patch test or a sensitivity test before using the actual peel.

At Nita Med Spa, our chemical peels have given tremendous results to our clients and they couldn’t be happier. On top of that, with our special offer going on, you can get your skin ready for the holiday season at a discounted price. Our package of two chemical peels with the booster is available for $750 only.

So don’t wait up, book your appointment with our aesthetician and get ready to peel away all your imperfections with our chemical peel.

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