Summer is the time to show off, not just your face and your beautiful short dresses but also your feet. Yes, we totally love those fancy beach sandals, heels, and flip-flops that you plan on wearing all this summer. Here’s the thing, a pedicure is definitely the best way to treat your feet and get your toenails painted in your favorite color but that’s not the only pampering you can give them. In fact, there are more ways to take care of your feet than pedicures, and trust us, they can help more with making your feet look good all the time.

Hydrate Your Feet

It may come as a surprise to many, but hydration is crucial for your feet too. Soak your feet every night in warm water and Epsom salt for a few minutes and it will instantly improve your feet’s hydration levels. Not just that, it will also help in relieving the pain from your aching feet.


Summer activities like walks on the beach and swimming in the pools can make your feet dry. Dead skin cells can make them even worse.

This is why using an exfoliant such as a foot scrub with a foot file can help you get rid of all the dead and dull skin on your feet.


Moisturizing your feet while they are still damp is an excellent way to lock in the moisture. Using a soothing lotion with lavender, peppermint or any other nourishing oil will keep your feet soft, smooth, and nourished.

Nail Color/Nail Polish

Fresh and bright nail polish can turn around the look of your feet. If your nail color is still in place and only needs some retouching, simply apply another coat and you are good to go.

However, if it’s worn out or chipped, it’s best to use nail polish or nail paint remover, clean the cuticles, massage some almond oil around the nails and after the little nail pampering sessions, you can apply fresh coats of your favorite nail color. It’s always advised to keep nail polish on for two weeks

An important tip to keep in mind here is that you should always use high-quality nail polishes as harmful chemicals can damage your nails as well as dry out the skin around them.

Hot weather and humidity can also cause toenail fungus. Not only do they look bad, but they are also painful, itchy, and uncomfortable. At Nita Med Spa, we have our laser toenail fungus treatment to help you get your new, clean nails back.

The laser heats the nail bed and kills the fungus beneath. By using a laser pulse, we keep the heat inside the nail bed to eliminate the fungus efficiently and then we move on to the next nail. Treatment usually takes only 5 to 10 minutes and a new normal nail bed grows back in 6 months. However, a difference can be seen in just one treatment. If you need to fix an appointment, give us a call today. You can also check out our specials and enjoy heavy discounts on amazing treatments.

Pick the Right Shoes

Choosing your shoes wisely is another good you can do for your feet in summer. The right fit, design, and style according to your feet type are highly important in showing off your feet. So, make sure you keep all that in mind.

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