Aging is natural, and so are its effects on our skin. But in an environment like ours, premature skin aging is more common than you think. It is because most of these signs are not as apparent in the beginning. However, it doesn’t mean that pollution, sun, chemical, skin care products, and certain food items are not taking a toll on our skin.

UV rays damage our skin the most, and the sun is the biggest culprit in premature skin aging. Dry patches, dark spots, fine lines, and redness are textbook signs of sun damage. Apart from the sun and environmental factors, genes and lifestyle also play a defining role in determining your skin’s health and aging.

The good news is, you can take certain preventive measures to reduce premature skin aging. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Use Sunscreen

Dermatologists are recommending sunscreen applications now more than ever. Sun protection is essential. Of course, you can’t always stay indoors, nor wear clothes that keep your skin safe from sun damage. Hence, wearing sunscreen and reapplying it every 4 hours is the way to go. It’s best to consult your dermatologist before choosing the right type of sunscreen for your skin type.

As a general rule, sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended for the summer season. Overactive sweat glands and excess sebum make your skin oily, thus, you must opt for a water-resistant option.

Another thing that you must keep in mind is that sun tan equally damages your skin and can contribute greatly to premature skin aging. So, avoid sun tanning, tanning beds, and any other form of tanning through harmful UV rays.

Stop Smoking

If you’re a smoker, let us tell you that it can worsen your complexion, cause fine lines, wrinkles and make your skin look dull. So if you want to decelerate skin aging, stop smoking immediately.

More Fruit & Veggies

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. These essential vitamins and minerals enhance skin vitality and glow. Antioxidants help with slowing the signs of aging. On the other hand, research suggests that using sugar and refined carbs can speed up skin aging.

Hence, eating a well-balanced, highly nutritious diet is also the key to restoring and maintaining your skin’s youthful glow.

Go Easy On Alcohol

Alcohol dries out your skin. Dehydrated, dried skin can lead to many other signs of aging.

If you consume alcohol regularly, you should lower it and instead, start drinking more water. Regular water intake improves skin hydration, blood circulation, and digestion. This holistic action keeps your overall health optimal which also includes your skin. A well-hydrated skin means more suppleness, more glow, and fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

Use Gentle Cleanser

Washing and rubbing your face with harsh chemical or physical exfoliants do more damage to your skin’s texture than good.

Our aestheticians suggest washing your face more often in the summer, especially when you’re sweating. Now, here’s the tricky part, the cleanser you should use must be gentle enough for washing more than once or twice.

Pick a cleanser that clears away dirt, debris, and impurities but at the same time doesn’t dry out your skin. Dry, flaky skin is more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.

Apply Moisturizer Daily

Your skin needs hydration and moisturization, period.

Taking care of your skin means keeping it well-moisturized all day long and even at night. If you have oily skin, you can go for gel or water-based moisturizer, but you must never skip it.

Remember, overactive sebaceous glands do not mean you don’t need moisturization. You should, however, choose a lightweight moisturizer and use it regularly. This in turn will help keep aging signs at bay.

Anti-aging Treatment For Restoring The Damage

If you already have aging signs that you want to rectify, you can always go with collagen-stimulating therapy.

Microneedling is one such treatment that has done wonders for our clients. Even with one session, clients have seen remarkable improvements in their skin texture, fading of dark spots, and acne scars, and reduction in the appearance of fine lines, crow’s feet, and wrinkles.

At Nita Med Spa, our micro-needling treatment is one of the top favorites among our clients. We also have special offers with which you can enjoy amazing discounts and surprising results.

To learn more about our discounts and packages, check out our special offers.

We hope that the information above will help you fight premature skin aging and improve your skin’s health too.

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