How can I get immediate relief from varicose vein pain?

Did you know that more than 20 million people in the US have varicose veins? The tiny clusters on your legs, feet, and even on your face, don’t look that good. Vascular lasers and more invasive procedures are available for treating these veins. However, if you want to get rid of the discomfort associated with these veins, you can follow the tips below to get some relief at home.

  1. Exercise More

Exercise improves your blood circulation. With regular exercise; you can get rid of the blood pooled in your spider veins in the legs. Physical activities also lower blood pressure thereby preventing the occurrence of varicose and spider veins in the first place.

  1. Compression Stockings

Made especially for varicose vein therapy, these stockings are effective and are easily available at all pharmacies. Not only do these help in pushing the blood back to the muscles, but it also helps in reducing pain and swelling caused by the varicose veins.

  1. Adequate Diet

Eating high potassium diet helps in reducing swelling and aching related to varicose veins. It is also important to stay away from foods that are high in salt as salty foods make the body retain water which adds more swelling to the veins.

Some of the potassium-rich healthy options include:

  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Salmon and Tuna
  • Lentils and Beans
  • Potatoes and Bananas
  1. Add More Flavonoids

Research has shown that flavonoids actively help in shrinking the varicose veins. Flavonoids help in improving blood circulation and relieving pressure off of the arteries. Moreover, they keep the blood flowing which means that they keep it from pooling in the veins.

Flavonoids rich foods include:


Citrus Fruits (cherries, grapes, blueberries, etc.)




  1. Massage Therapy

Make sure that you go for the varicose vein massage therapy as applying direct pressure to these veins can be damaging instead of pain relief. Massage therapy is specifically great for people dealing with severe pain and discomfort because of the veins.

We are sure that the tips above would prove to be helpful to you. However, if you think that your spider veins need more of a treatment than therapy and tips, you are always welcome to book an appointment with us.

Nita Med Spa offers spider vein treatment for the face, feet, and legs. We use customized laser wavelengths to target different veins. It’s always best to visit us and discuss your options with our aestheticians in advance. To learn more, give us a call or send us an email and we’ll assist you in the best way possible.

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