As winters are approaching, we are all set to cozy up with our coffee mugs are favorite books. But don’t forget, just like changing your room settings, you’ll also have to alter your skin care routine. At Nita Med Spa, we encourage our valuable customers to choose the best products and adequate treatments in accordance with the weather. Below we are sharing the skin care routine suggested by the world’s top aestheticians.

Day Routine:


Pollutants and chemicals take toll on our skin all day long regardless of the season. This is why cleansing must always be an integral part of every skincare regimen. But winter cleansers are ideally moisturizing as our skin gets dry in the chilly weather. You can even add a few drops of almond or argon oil to your cleanser to prevent your skin from over drying.


Our pores can take only as much as they do all day and it’s crucial to close them after deep cleansing them. Be very careful in choosing the right kind of toner for your skin. Choose the one with a bit of nourishment leaving a dewy texture on your skin.


Serums are everyone’s favorite, mostly because they absorb quickly and provide instant nourishment to the skin. In winters, your skin tends to lose moisture and smoothness quicker than usual, this is why it is important to use an anti-aging serum every morning. This will not only restore the skin’s natural elasticity but will also keep it from losing its natural glow.


Always invest in a good moisturizer. A moisturizer is your skin’s best friend throughout the winters. Unlike summers, your skin needs more than just a light, water base moisturizer. You have to protect and nurture your skin. Moisturizers with natural ingredients and essential oils are our favorite. And they work like magic in colder days.

Sun Screen

Remember, no matter which season it is, the Sun will always be there and so will be the harmful UV rays. Always wear a sun screen before going out of your house. And as a general rule, you must always use a sun screen with a 30PH or more. It is also important to apply sun screen at the end of your routine as it must stay on your skin.

Night Routine:


Take off your make up with your cleanser at night. Cleansing allows your skin to breath and as you sleep, your skin rests too. This is why it should be cleaned from any residue before going to bed.

Night Cream Or Serum

Choose a night Cream or Night time serum after cleansing. If you have acne or dark spots, use a night cream that treats your concern. They are especially formulated to eliminate the target issues. And since they stay on the skin all night, they work better.

Eye Cream

An under eye gel is like a little treat for your eyes. They go through a lot all day and at night they must be nourished. Moreover, under eye creams reduce wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.

Important Reminder:

Along with following these skin care routines, you must pamper your skin with winter facial treatments. At Nita Med Spa, we have special facials and treatments, especially selected for the winter skin.

If you have any serious skin problem that you face every winter season, you can talk to our expert certified aestheticians and discuss them in detail. And that’s not all, Nita Med Spa offers a wide range of treatments and we can suggest the right one for you. We can even customize your package according to your skin needs. All you have to do is, give us a call

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