Winter times get you all cozy up. You’d love nothing more than your blanket, your favorite book and the bittersweet taste of your hot chocolate. You can stick to your routine for a good week or two until you start missing your dewy, glowing skin you had in the summer. Those heaters that you keep on for long hours really squeeze all the moisture out of your skin, leaving it dull and dry. Lucky for you, there is a solution, known as DERMAPLANING.

With Dermaplaning, you can get rid of the dead and dry skin in just one session. It is by far the most modern solution to remove the dead skin buildup and peach fuzz or facial hair.

What Is Dermaplanning?

Dermaplanning is a procedure in which a small scalpel kind of tool is used to remove the dead skin layer. At Nita Med Spa, we deep cleanse the skin before moving on with the process so as to ensure that the skin is thoroughly clean and ready for the scalpel to work. While dermaplanning removes the dead skin layer, it also removes the facial hair. The skin is divided into portions and once all of the face is done, a suitable serum or face mask is applied. Since the skin is free from all dead buildup, the serum or mask applied work more efficiently.

Dermaplanning can be used as an add-on treatment along with treatments such as Chemical peel or Vitamin C facial.

Is It Painful?

Absolutely not. In fact, most of the patients reported no feeling at all. The best part, there is no recovery required, you can get back to your daily routine as soon as you get done with the session. As a matter of fact, dermaplanning is best when you are about to attend an event as it helps the make up to set perfectly without any dead skin or peach fuzz.

How Often Can One Go For Dermaplanning?

It’s best to plan a dermaplanning session once every month. According to skin care experts, dead skin wears off every 40 days so why not get rid of it through an expert?

Can It Cause The Hair To Grow Thicker?

Unlike popular belief, scraping away facial hair doesn’t escalate hair growth or make it worse. They may somehow feel a bit irritable when they grow back but once they reach the normal length, there won’t be an issue.

How’s Dermaplanning Good For Me?

To know whether you should go for it as a separate treatment or an extension treatment, you must consult with a certified aesthetician. At Nita Med Spa, we offer the best beauty care available in Houston. To book your appointment, give us a call right away!


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Note: It is important to understand that this is not a treatment for removing thick facial hair. Laser hair removal is the only permanent solution for thick and unwanted hair.