Chin Acne Causes

When a hair follicle gets clogged with excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells, it is prone to get infected with acne-causing bacteria. This is how you get red, itchy, bumpy, and sometimes painful pimples. You can get pimples on any part of your body, but the most common place for them to occur is the face. Today, we will learn about chin acne causes and their most effective treatments.

The lower part of your face includes your chin and jawline. Pimples on these areas are known as chin acne. They can be large, painful, full of pus with red tips, or can be small, painless, and under the skin. The latter is called blind acne.

Below are the most common causes of chin acne:

Hormonal Fluctuation/Imbalance:

Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on your body, especially, your skin. Hormonal changes during puberty, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy can stimulate excess oil production in the sebaceous glands which in turn clogs the pores and cause acne.

Hormonal acne often occurs on the chin, jawline, and T Zone. The T-Zone includes the chin, nose, and forehead. Depending on the intensity of the fluctuation, you can get moderate to severe acne on the chin area.


Stress is really bad for your skin. Stress can cause a spike in the stress hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is an inflammatory hormone that causes overproduction of oil in the glands and causes cystic, painful acne in the chin area.

Poor Lymphatic Drainage:

The lymphatic drainage system regulates nutrient and waste material transportation throughout the body. The lymph nodes block bacteria and harmful agents from entering the body. However, when the drainage system doesn’t work well, the filtration system stops working too and with the accumulation of toxins in the blood and the lymph, you get acne on the chin and jawline.

Lack of Sleep:

Sleep is crucial for your skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin doesn’t repair well and gets dull over time. Moreover, inadequate sleep causes an increase in insulin resistance which leads to higher blood sugar in the body, and sugar is one concerning chin acne cause.

Bad Hygiene:

Maintaining proper hygiene of your face plays a vital role in your skin’s health. When you don’t keep your face clean and germ-free, you are more likely to get acne in areas such as the chin and jawline.

This also happens because you frequently touch your chin and let the bacteria quickly transfer to the chin area.

UV Rays:

Another culprit is the UV rays. Exposing your skin to harmful UV rays is a major cause of excess oil production in the glands. Moreover, if you don’t wear sunscreen, your skin will eventually get dry and stimulate more oil production thereby clogging the pores and causing acne on the chin and jawline.

Best Treatments Available For Chin Acne

Hormonal Therapy:

If you have acne on the chin and jawline, your dermatologist may start hormonal therapy as a treatment.

To balance the hormones, they might give you birth control pills which will help with oil production in the chin and jawline area and you’ll get rid of chin acne.

Oral Antibiotics

Another way to treat chin acne is oral antibiotics. Dermatologists recommend these antibiotics for acne treatment as they help fight acne-causing bacteria and thus help with chin acne prevention.

Creams And Topical Applications

Many creams are formulated with ingredients that fight acne to the core. Retinoids, Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic acid, and Mandelic acid, are all active ingredients that help in keeping chin acne at bay. These creams fight bacteria stop the overproduction of oil and keep pores from getting clogged.

Chemical Peels:

Chemical peels work wonders for your acne. By exfoliating the skin from within, these peels help with reducing blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Active ingredients used in these peels include glycolic acid and salicylic acid.

Our VI Chemical Peel

At Nita Med Spa, our VI Derm chemical peel is super effective for not just acne but also for restoring a youthful glow. It works well against fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, pigmentation, and uneven skin tone. With our special offer, you can avail amazing discount on our chemical peel and several other treatments. To check them out, click the link below!

Now that you have learned about chin acne causes, it’s time to get in touch with our aestheticians and discuss how you can prevent chin acne by following some simple yet proven techniques.

Schedule a free Consultation!