So now that you have lost a lot of weight, you are worried about the sagging skin and the stubborn fat deposits. No matter how strict your diet is or how rigorous exercise you performed, some of your body parts will always have lose skin and they won’t look as toned and defined as you wanted them to be. But the good news is, you can do something about it. Body contouring is the most popular way to get back in that beautiful shape.

What Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring is a procedure through which your body is toned and refined once you have lost weight. This cosmetic procedure can be of many types, either it can be surgical such as a tummy tuck or a body lift, or it can minimally-invasive such as liposuction or even non-surgical EMSCULPT® or truSculpt™ iD. Body contouring normally takes care of two issues, taking care of the lose skin after you lose weight or the stubborn fat that is indifferent to diet and exercise.

Am I A Candidate?

In terms of the candidacy for a body sculpting or contouring procedure, you must know that it’s more about maintaining your weight than anything else. If your lifestyle is not adequate, you can gain weight again. On the other hand, if you continue to lose weight, your results will not be the same as you expected. So, as a general rule, your weight must be stable for 6 months at least before you go and make that call for a body contouring.

Recovery Time

Body contouring recovery time depends upon the procedure you have picked. If you went for a surgery then certainly there will be time required to heal. A non-surgical procedure, however, do not require any down time and you can get back to your routine right after the procedure.


Results also vary depending on the options you choose. For a sculpting option, results may take more time to become noticeable, as you’ll have to take more sessions than one. Surgical procedures will also show results only when they’re healed completely. If you choose to acquire our body contouring services, our experts will provide you with every guideline and detail on what to expect from the process.

Our Body Contouring Offer

With our Venus Legacy, you can kiss cellulite and stubborn fat goodbye. Containing radio frequency, magnetic pulsing and suction, this technology targets fatty tissues and tightens skin to give your body that flawless look. Not just that, you can expect a collagen production boost and improved skin texture after our body contouring service. So if you have waited to look great after losing weight and still not satisfied, let us help you have that body you always wanted.

Special Offers

We always have special offers for our customers. You can learn more about our offers here and avail unbelievable discounts on our amazing treatments.

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