They say, “you are what you eat”. Believe it or not, it also translates on your skin. Skin products and cosmetic advancement may have shown you wonderful results as they are definitely effective. But a poor diet can make your skin dull, lifeless and prone to skin issues. What to do about them?

Take A Look At Your Skin

First of all, you have to see how your skin appears. And it’s not like looking at yourself in the mirror. Check it out for detailed signs, if you’re having acne, chances are, you are eating iodine-rich foods, probably more than you should. Maybe you’re consuming iodized salt, cranberries or shellfish a little too much.

On the other hand, eating foods rich in protein can help in the prevention of acne. If you have skin irritation, acne and rosacea, making diet changes will definitely help. Along with that you can also benefit from our special deal of 3 Packages of Hydrafacial with mask at only $450. Not only will you save almost 200 bucks but will see remarkable change in your skin.

Look at your skin’s texture, does it feel lose or wrinkly to you? If yes, it’s time to consume more vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts collagen production in your skin, restoring its natural elasticity. Eat Vitamin C enriched fruits such as oranges, strawberry, kiwi and dark green leafy vegetables.

If you are seeing more lines on your forehead, it means you are consuming more sugar than you are supposed to. Sugar breaks down collagen. Therefore, limit your sugar intake.

Check Out For Dehydration

Your skin needs water too. Remember when WHO said you have to drink at least 10 glasses of water daily. It was also for your skin. If your skin looks dull, dry and tight, it means you are in dire need of hydration.

There are other reasons behind your skin dehydration as well. Too much of caffeine and alcohol flush out all the water from your body. As a result, your body organs start pulling water away from wherever it can, especially your skin.

Monitor your coffee and beverages intake, limit them and concentrate more on increasing your water intake. The key here is to drink water before feeling thirsty.

Go For Supplements

With so much processed food available in the market, we often have no other way than to use them. Most of the time, their nutritional value is reduced while processing and packaging.

So, to counter that, you must fill your body with the necessary nutrients. Vitamin C, Collagen, Calcium and Iron supplements are great for immunity, healthy skin, nails and overall body functions. Do your research and buy supplements with proven efficacy.

These supplements will also keep your skin from aging as they help in cell rejuvenation.

If you are already eating a nutrient-dense diet but still facing any specific skin issues, you can book your appointment with Nita Med Spa. We are sure that our advanced treatments will certainly help you achieve your beauty goals.

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