The Toe nail parasite is a continuous and embarrassing condition that influences your personal satisfaction and can cause genuine medical issues in individuals with diabetes or immune issues. Characterized by thick, unsightly and discolored nails, nails infected with fungi can be irritating, bothersome and painful.

For years, the only treatments available for toe nail fungus were topical and oral medications or nail removal. In general, the drugs were largely ineffective and the removal of the nail plate was painful and debilitating. Toe Nails can begin in light of a family history of vulnerability, growing age, medical issues, nail injury, hot humid atmospheres, introduction to infected nails in sports/wellness and tight shoes. But now, there is a very effective way to eliminate nail fungus through the laser treatment known as toe nail fungus treatment in Houston.

Toe nail fungus Treatment fast, effective and pain-free:
A new technological advance allows you to quickly get rid of nail fungus; A new procedure using the laser allows it. The new patented laser technology treats fungus fungus safely and quickly, without medication, without anesthesia and without pain. It is specially designed to penetrate the toe nail, eliminating the fungus built into the bottom of the nail. Better yet, the powerful laser beam only attacks the infection and has no effect on the surrounding healthy tissue. In a single appointment in our medical spa, thanks to our toe nail fungus treatment, we can treat your toe nail fungus problem completely. In a few months after the treatment, the nail will be replaced by a healthy nail, transparent and free of fungus.

What is the toe nail fungus?
Toe nail fungus also known as (onychomycosis) is a nail infection. It is caused by several types of fungi that are everywhere in our environment. Due to the deformation of the nail you will be unable to walk properly, wear shoes, play sports or do other standing up activity as toe nail fungus will interfere will your daily routine.

What are the signs and symptoms of the toe nail fungus?
> Yellow streaks on the skin under the nail, or the nail bed, and on the underside of the nail.
> Accumulation of skin pieces and nail fragments under the nail.
> Discolored and thickened nails that can be separated from the skin under the nail.
> Nails brittle, broken and thickened
> White spots or scratches on the surface of the nail.
> Soft, dusty surface of the nail that appears as the infection gets worse.
> Nail surface damaged, brittle and brown or gray, without separation of the nail of the underlying skin.

The treatment of the nail infection is difficult because the infection is below and inside the nail. Treatments such as medical enamel or oral medications may be associated with side effects. Home remedies such as using bleach, mouthwash or vinegar to solve the problem are often tempted but ultimately do not solve the problem.
The toe nail fungus treatment using the laser which is the FDA approved for the treatment of onychomycosis, scars, and warts. Safe and effective, this nail fungus treatment does not cause pain, has no harmful side effects and, in general, only takes 30 minutes to complete. Treatment usually consists of 3 sessions but often time’s single toe nail fungus treatment is enough to eliminate the parasite. The laser treats and kills the fungus without damaging the nail or surrounding tissue. A significant improvement is usually seen from 6 months to a year, but many patients notice results within 2 to 4 months.

Toe Nail Fungus Treatment:
Like any other infection, it is always possible to re-infect, so it is important to follow all protocols and instructions provided by your specialist for best results in the long term.

Avoiding Irritating Toe Nail Fungus:
Prevention is key to avoiding a fungal infection. Along with the toe nail fungus treatment, these few tips will help you avoid the fungus problem in the first place:
Good hygiene is the key and one should inspect our toe nails regularly.
Try not to injure your nail by cutting it too short, as trauma to the nail may lead to infection.
Wear moisture wicking socks.
Wear dry, proper-fitting shoes that allow air to circulate around your feet.
Wear shower sandals when you are at a public pool or shower.

Left untreated, a fungal infection can spread to other toe nails, the skin on the feet and even the fingernails. Severe cases can impair one’s ability to walk or lead to painful ingrown toe nails. It’s important to seek care when you notice signs of infection.

If you’re ready to get the toe nail fungus treatment, contact Nita Med Spa and learn more about the improved Toe Nail Fungus Treatment. We can assess your contagious fungus problem and make suggestions for best treating and eliminate your toe nail fungus completely.