Dermaplaning has become a hot topic in the facial treatments’ arena. But as much as it has become popular, many people associate certain myths with the procedure and even preach the same to others. At Nita Med Spa, we understand that you want the best facial treatments which is why we won’t let you stay deprived of such an awesome treat for the sake of a few myths.

So, let’s start with the first thing,

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a facial treatment that can give you instant radiance without the use of any special exfoliators, chemicals or laser. It is a non-invasive procedure in which a modified surgical scalpel is used for gently removing the top epidermis layer of the skin. By removing the dead layer, dermaplaning enhances cell renewal, brings instant glow and eliminates dry lines and wrinkles.

Now because dermaplaning directly removes the skin layer, a lot of people believe in different myths, such as:

Dermaplaning Can Increase Facial Hair

The peach fuzz that dermaplaning removes do come back but they are neither harder, nor as coarse as a beard. In fact, even if they appear to be a little darker than before, they’ll get back into that peach fuzz in a week or so. So, this is just a myth and there are no actual reports of increased facial hair growth with dermaplaning.

Major Side Effects

You’d be surprised to know that dermaplaning is among treatments with minimal to no side effects at all. All it’s getting rid of is nothing but a dead layer of skin which will only eliminate dead cells and promote cell renewal.

It Can Cause Pain

Dermaplaning is a virtually painless procedure with no downtime required for recovery. And is highly recommended for people with busy routines as the procedure won’t take more than half an hour max.

It Can Damage Skin

Quite on the contrary, it prepares the skin for better penetration of serums, peels and other facial products. At Nita Med Spa, we encourage our patients to go for dermaplaning for better absorption of chemical peels.

It’s Not Suitable For Everyone

Like every facial treatment, one must undergo an analysis by a certified aesthetician as to which procedure is not good for their skin. However, since dermaplaning is a non-invasive procedure, it is suitable for all skin types, and all ages, except of those with severe acne.

If you have any quesiton, we suggest you to give us a call and book your appointment right away!

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