Laser Hair Removal in Winter!

Having flawless skin in winter may seem unlikely, but what if we tell you that it’s the best time to get rid of unwanted hair and get silky smooth skin in the summer?

Well, don’t take our word for it. Our professional aestheticians have made a list of the top reasons why this chilly, gloomy weather is ideal for your laser hair removal sessions. So, let’s begin!

You Can Avoid Sun Exposure

After a laser hair removal session, it is essential to keep your sun from getting exposed to the sun for at least two to four weeks. Avoiding UV rays help in achieving the best results. This is why winter is considered the best season for beginning your laser hair removal process. Not only can you limit your sun exposure by staying indoors, but you can also keep your skin safe from sun damage by wearing winter clothes even when you have to go out.

It is crucial to keep in mind that your skin is the most sensitive after laser treatment and exposing it to the sun can cause serious damage. Problems like hyperpigmentation can occur due to which brown and white spots appear on your skin. To protect your skin, specifically, the areas treated, make sure you avoid staying out in the sun for a long period.

Get Hair-Free by Summer

When it comes to laser hair removal, multiple sessions are required to see the optimal results. To stop the hair growth permanently, two to three or even more sessions are scheduled with a 4 to 6 weeks gap in between each session.

So if you take action now and decide to start your laser hair removal process now, you’ll be able to flaunt your hair-free legs and arms in the sweet summers. Wouldn’t that be awesome if you’d be able to enjoy all your beach parties without worrying over shaving or waxing your legs and arms?

Thicker And Coarser Hair

If you have done your research on laser, you must know that it works best on dark hair. Growing darker and coarser hair is not a problem in winter because your clothes are far less revealing than in summer. You can easily go to an office party without waxing your legs because you’ll be wearing your jeans. Moreover, the holiday season is more about staying indoors, curled up in your blanket, watching your favorite movies, and not worrying about hair growth. So you can use that to your advantage too.

Avoiding Sweating and Pools Is Possible in Winter

Although there is no restriction in picking a certain season for laser hair removal, sticking to a recommended aftercare is easier to follow in winter.

Immediately after a laser hair removal session, you are asked to avoid activities that could lead to perspiration until the redness is fully gone. Good thing is, cold weather makes it really hard for you to perspire. Unlike summer, where just stepping out in the sun means you are about to sweat the next minute.

Moreover, you are not nearly as tempted to jump in a pool as you are in the scorching heat of June and July.

It’s Easier on The Wallet

Summer life is full of outdoor events, cocktail parties, and beach tours. However, winter is the time to cozy up and we all love to stay indoors, enjoying the chilly days with our favorite book and a hot cup of cocoa. So, naturally, we spend less and save more, meaning you can spare more money for your laser treatment.

At Nita Med Spa, we have the best deals available for you all year round. Our full-body laser hair removal package of 6 sessions is available at a 40% discount. The price for all 6 sessions is only $999. So, don’t wait up, book your session today!

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